Sunday, 23 March 2014

What's in your Bucket?

Good Morning, it is a beautiful day in Eston. A little chilly (-17) but great sunshine. The sunrise this morning was absolutely wonderful. A giant ball of Red in the sky. Now if I were still back east, red sky in the morning means sailors take warning. I think here it means another sunny day. This morning in our church service I am going to ask the question, What's in your bucket? Our scripture this morning is the story of the Samaritan Woman at the Well. SHe has a conversation with Jesus about water, Living water? What is this living water she wants to know? In ancient times, living water was water that was free flowing, not in a cistern like we have at the farm and many of you would have had growing up in Saskatchewan. So is our bucket filled with living water, those things that help us to be more loving, compassionate, caring. More self assured that we are on the right path. Or is it filled with cistern water, sometimes stale or perhaps those things that bring us down, worries, sadness, grief. What can we do to help make our buckets more balanced? A good question for all of us. Hope to see you in Church! We have a special treat this morning, Abbie Hoffart(Lois McIntyre's Granddaughter)is going to sing for us!

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Home Again

Well I was gone for two weeks and it felt like a lifetime. It is always nice to go away to do something other than our normal routine, however, it is always good to get home. I was on course at Calling Lakes Centre with theologian and forensic Anthropologist Richard Rohrbaugh. He is brilliant and knows so much about the culture of 1st century Palestine. We learned about Paul's letter to the Corinthians and the book of Revelation. Very heavy stuff that I will share over time. For today, we are talking about being born again, being transformed and how we can see Salvation as a process by which we are transformed this side of death. So join us if you can for our service and don't forget it's family Sunday.