Well, it's been over two months since I posted to this blog. How time flies when you are having fun! It certainly seems like this year has flown by and I can't believe that I have been in Eston almost six years. It sure doesn't feel that long. I have been very busy working for the pastoral charge along with some presbytery work and conference work. This past year has seen me finish my Prairie Jubilee course so I am officially now a spiritual director. That was such an amazing course. I am co-convenor for the Faith Formation Committee of Conference, sit on Education and Students at our presbytery and am currently on two search committees, one for Outlook and one for Eatonia.
Our family has grown this year, a new baby girl, Addison born in May. I am so happy however, I miss my grands terribly.
Work has gotten even more challenging as I grow in my theology and faith and work to share with the congregation what I am learning. Our Bible study group is great, we meet on Wednesday mornings and it is a place where you can bring all your thoughts and wonders and express them freely without judgement or ridicule. It is a safe place for all.
This year I am hoping to offer a baptism/confirmation/reaffirmation of faith class where we look at what we believe, why we believe, maybe learn from one another and determine where we want to go next. It will also be a safe and sacred place for sharing.
As the United Church is making changes in their policies regarding ministry personnel, I find it harder and harder to find where I belong. We will also be exploring these changes in our classes and determining where we find ourselves in the midst of change.
Looking forward to 2017, I see new things happening. I am taking the ministry of supervision course in the hopes of one day being able to help another student as my supervisor helped me when I was going through theological school. I also hope to go on a few retreats to help nourish my own spiritual life.
Our Church School program continues to grow on Wednesday afternoons and we love seeing all the children.
So, join us at St. Andrew's for service on Sundays at 10:30 or call us for updates on times and events happening..
Christmas eve service is Saturday at 7:00. All are welcome
Merry Christmas