It has been a very long time since I posted on this blog. I guess I am not a true blogger. It was designed for me to put my ponderings and thoughts about whatever was important to me.
Well over this past week, I have been thinking about Nicodemus which is today's gospel reading and I have been thinking about the rich man and Lazarus which is the story I have to speak about for the Lenten Lunch this week. Two stories, both giving us something to think about and leave us wondering what we should do.
For me, the story of Nicodemus is about making choices. With Jesus telling this parable, he is offering a new dimension of humanity, a new insight into a way of relating to that which we think of as holy. He is saying there is more than just what you see. Not everything is black and white. Sometimes, things need to be looked at from a different perspective. I know that sometimes there is security in our safe and dark places, where we don't really have to make a choice to move out into the light and make changes in our behaviour or our thinking. But Jesus challenged everyone to do just that. Move out, think different, act in such a way as to show love to everyone, not just the few you like or are impressed with. Do it because it is the right thing to do.
When we look at the rich man and Lazarus, we hear another parable, another story. I heard one person referred to these parables as hand grenades, throw one into a party and they are designed to blow the place up. I am thinking that is perhaps what may have happened with today's story. I was reading some online stuff about this parable from different writers trying to get thoughts into my head, hear what others thought and then to put them into my own thoughts. One of the things that had me thinking and that I had never realised before was the fact that Jesus never said, "Believe Me". He did however, say "Follow Me". And that is just what I am going to challenge us to do on Thursday, Follow Jesus, right down into the Nitty Gritty of this parable. The parable of the Rich man and Lazarus may challenge what we believe about heaven and hell, or perhaps it may challenge our thinking around social order and who belongs and who doesn't.
For me, this parable just reinforces my belief that hell is not a far away place deep down in the underground but here on earth and we have done our part in helping to create it. Heaven, for me is also a place here on earth and we are challenged to make it a place where all are welcome. What do you think? Remember that faith is personal for each one of us and none of us are right or wrong, and none of us know for sure what happened or what will happen. The only thing I think each of us should ask ourselves is why we believe something so certainly, and not just because we were told when we were five in Sunday School and not just because it is written in scripture. Scripture as we know was written by people, inspired to record their experiences of the Holy in their lives. No so different from us today when we write in a gratitude journal or a diary to tell about our day. So challenge yourself to think about what you believe and why, think about what you hear heard form your church or your friends or family about faith: read, explore, study, think. (REST)
Come to church and be with us as we explore the Nicodemus story today. And then on Thursday as we are at our Lenten Lunch which is being held at the Catholic church this year, come and help us explore the rich man and Lazarus.
Have a great Sabbath everyone! May it be spent in whatever way brings you the most rest, simplicity, and care.