Sunday, 25 May 2014

God is everywhere!

Have you taken the time this morning to look around where you are and see where the Spirit is working in your life. And the Spirit is there, even when we don't pay attention. In our service this morning we will be talking about where we find the spirit in our lives and how easy it is to miss seeing this when we don't pay attention or we get to busy. So come and join us for this intentional time of exploring where we see the Spirit of God in our world. This is a huge question for me to answer because when I get busy, I don't necessarily take the time to pay attention to what is happening within me and around me. Where is the Spirit working in my life? I am going to try and be intentional about doing this and see what happens, it can only be good, Right? So my challenge to you and to myself is to watch, look, listen to what is happening right around us, see where the spirit is active. Hopefully we will see the spirit working as we are begin our coffee time before church today. We are going to try this for a month and see how it goes. So bring your mug, (we will have styrofoam here) and join us for coffee and conversation. Also, I am sure I will see the spirit this afternoon as I lunch with a good friend and attend a dance recital at the school at 2pm. Great fun! The children are so beautiful and excited to be dancing. So, on this day, watch, listen, spend time with friends and family and dance!

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Do we have rocks in our lives...

Good Morning All, it is a damp day in Eston, but I heard on the radio we need the rain. Hard to believe when I drive our muddy roads and look at our dugouts full. But maybe we do. I hope all that had seeding to do are finished or mostly finished. I did look ahead to the week and it is supposed to warm up and dry up. So, lots to look forward to. Today is family Sunday, come to church and stay for lunch. Unfortunately Sunday School is finished for the season, but all are welcome. We do have a small room upstairs in the balcony for those who have little children who just can't sit still to play during the service. This morning in church we are going to be talking about rocks. What rocks are in your life that stop you from truly knowing that God is always with us. Sometimes we build walls that we need to take down, other times the rocks are like stumbling stones to our getting where we need to be. Whatever the reason we find rocks in our lives, we need to take care of them, not just step over them and let them pile up and become that wall that is just higher and higher for us to climb over. Sometimes this is very hard to do, but if we work together as neighbours with one another and with our God, we will truly be able to find a way to make a gate in our wall or clear away the rocks all together. We are truly children of our God, loved and cherished, so let's work together for the realization of the Kin-dom of God here in this place. Thanks be to God. Next Sunday we are going to start out coffee time before church so come at 10am, bring a mug of your own or use a styrofoam one from here, join us for coffee time. Namasté All

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Looking for the silver lining...

Did you ever have a couple of those days? You know the ones I mean. I have had two, first yesterday I go out to my truck to come to town to help celebrate the life Annie Shuttleworth, and I reach down for a kleenex and what do I see but mouse chews. Oh My, well I backed up all the way up our road to home, ran in the house, yelling there is a mouse in my truck... So Jim, being the great husband and gentleman he is hands me his keys and off I go to work, he goes on a mouse hunt. Can't find it... So, last night we put some of those sticky mouse traps in the truck (thanks Bob Mickleborough) and what does the mouse do but eat the peanut butter and chew apart the paper to get away. Smarter than we thought. So Jim puts a regular old mouse trap in the truck, and nothing yet, so again I take his truck this morning. So I come along the Richlea grid road to the #30 and when I am just at the cemetery road, the light comes on that says the left year tire is going flat. So I get out and check, sure enough I can hear it hissing. So, I call Jim again, what a great husband I have, and get the truck to main street by the church and he says he will come in and take care of it after work while I go for a manicure and pedicure (Thanks Veronica Ryland)and relax. What a life! But amazing things happen, I realize how wonderful Jim is and how thankful I am to have him in my life. Yesterday I had a great beginner course in Zentangle which is so much fun and so relaxing (thanks Lisa) and then we had that wonderful celebration with Annie's family. So although both days started off stressful, things are always looking up. Today is our close of Sunday school which will be fun for the kids, (painting fun) we will be sad to have them gone for the summer but things get busy and teachers are away, etc. Even with all that has happened, I feel like this will be a resurrection kind of day. Our scripture in church this morning is a favorite with the story of the Road to Emmaus. Many people have different feelings about this story but I think we will find that the truth of the story will be that we are made stronger and our purpose becomes more clear when we are gathered in community. As it has been said, where two or three are gathered.... Who are you gathered with today, where do you see the work of Jesus in our world today?