Sunday 25 May 2014

God is everywhere!

Have you taken the time this morning to look around where you are and see where the Spirit is working in your life. And the Spirit is there, even when we don't pay attention. In our service this morning we will be talking about where we find the spirit in our lives and how easy it is to miss seeing this when we don't pay attention or we get to busy. So come and join us for this intentional time of exploring where we see the Spirit of God in our world. This is a huge question for me to answer because when I get busy, I don't necessarily take the time to pay attention to what is happening within me and around me. Where is the Spirit working in my life? I am going to try and be intentional about doing this and see what happens, it can only be good, Right? So my challenge to you and to myself is to watch, look, listen to what is happening right around us, see where the spirit is active. Hopefully we will see the spirit working as we are begin our coffee time before church today. We are going to try this for a month and see how it goes. So bring your mug, (we will have styrofoam here) and join us for coffee and conversation. Also, I am sure I will see the spirit this afternoon as I lunch with a good friend and attend a dance recital at the school at 2pm. Great fun! The children are so beautiful and excited to be dancing. So, on this day, watch, listen, spend time with friends and family and dance!

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