Sunday, 23 November 2014

Sunday Morning

Well, it's Sunday again and we had a bit of snow last night, right on top of some rain which makes for very slippery walking and driving so everyone be careful.

I had the privilege of taking part in the wedding of Kristin Kuntz to Tyson Swan yesterday afternoon, it was beautiful. I hope everyone made it home okay after the reception.

Yesterday Jim and I started decorating our house for Christmas. We wanted to do outside but when it started to rain, we switched to inside. Hopefully we will get outside done today or tomorrow. We are having company next weekend and would like all the decorating done before they arrive. We spent most of the day looking for Christmas decorations that we couldn't find. In amongst the boxes that were stacked after our move, in a box we thought was full of packing paper, we found a whole bunch of stuff. Yeah! We thought we were going crazy missing almost half our Christmas decorations.

Today is Reign of Christ Sunday in church and I am starting my sermon off with those famous words from Snow White, Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all? We will put both the mirror and the reign of Christ together though so come and have coffee at 10, bring the kids for Sunday School and join us for our service at 10:30. All are welcome always.

Have a great day all!

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Brrrr... It's cold outside

So I just turned on the heat in the church, should be toasty soon. It's Family Sunday and we will have hotdogs and potluck after church. Miss Nancy is filling in for Ashley in Sunday School today. With the kids today I am going to talk about a time when we did something wrong and we need to find a way to make it better. I made a huge mistake yesterday. I was supposed to come to the church and makes sure the door was open for my friend Cassie to do her writing workshop. Well, I forgot. The door was unlocked when I left on Friday night late, but did it get locked again. Usually Dianne takes care of all of this stuff but she was going to Medicine Hat and asked me to do it. Well, I forgot. I got up and headed out to Presbytery for the day and didn't even think about it. So now, I need to apologize to Cassie and to whoever came and let her in I need to give thanks. A huge lesson for me, I am too busy and need to pay more attention to what I will say I will do. I am going to stop doing some of the things I said I would do. Yesterday I asked Presbytery to find another recording secretary and I have only one more meeting for Conference Executive. Leaving those two jobs behind will help a lot. In the mean time, I still owe Cassie an apology. That will be today's task. One of the most important things we can do is say we are sorry when we do something wrong. We need to stand up, say we made a mistake and own it. Then discover in ourselves why we are making mistakes, why we aren't paying attention to the responsibilities we have. So for me, a huge learning curve. Let's all take the time we need to give thanks when needed and ask for forgiveness when we need to. If we all owned up when we did something wrong the world would be a better place. Thanks for listening to my rant, have a great Sabbath today.

Sunday, 2 November 2014


Well these past two weeks have been very busy and the next two don't seem much slower, but then I thrive on being busy so it isn't all bad. I just hope I don't forget anything.

I want to thank my church family here who at the drop of the hat let me fly home for the funeral of my uncle and to help my sister deal with the house, etc. It was a lot of work, but I did get to see my children, grandchildren, brother and sister and my Mom. My family entrusted me to do my uncle's funeral and it was a great honour to talk about a man who was so much a part of our lives.

So, today! Fall supper, Silent Auction - come out to the church today and place a bid on one or two or all of our silent auction items. This is a fundraiser for our church so your generosity is appreciated. Come and enjoy our fall supper, you can call Olorenshaw's or leave a message on the church phone for tickets. There are two sittings, 5pm and 6:15pm. The auction will stop at 7 and all the items will be awarded to those with the highest bids. So if you come early and bid, return before 7 to up your bid. Outbid your friends. This is a great way to have a little competitive fun while supporting our church. Many thanks...

Our church service today will be focusing on our sense of importance and how that affects how we act in the world. Come and join us, coffee at 10am, church and sunday school at 10:30

Have a great day!