Sunday, 18 October 2015

Life is Busy

Some times life just seems to get so busy that we can't remember what it is we are supposed to be doing or saying. Does this ever happen to you? It certainly does for me. We had a great bible study this week, but for the life of me I can't remember the specifics. So, a sermon had to come from somewhere else. I want to thank my friend Kim for a story that started me on my writing on Friday. Some weeks the sermon comes so easily, others, not at all easy.

This week was especially busy with two funerals. My love and prayers go out to the Rovey family and the Abbot family. It is very hard to love someone you love, even if they are growing old. Some times we lose the ones we love at a younger age and this seems especially hard. So today's writings go to all those who are experiencing grief in the midst of their lives. I highly recommend reading Warren Hansen's little book, 'The Next Place' which has some wonderful words, especially to help children with the complex issue of death. I often quote it at funerals, especially if there are children involved but I think it helps adults as well. So if you are suffering grief today, or perhaps you have gone past the initial stages of grief and are just missing someone you love so much at this time of year, know you are being held in love today. May there be a bright spot in your day where you can see the presence of all that is holy in our world.


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