Sunday, 16 October 2016

Rainy Sunday In Eston

Good Morning,
It's a rainy day here again, just what the farmers didn't need.

This morning is family Sunday so we will have a potluck lunch with hotdogs. All are welcome to join us.

Our scripture this morning is the story of the widow and the unjust judge from the gospel of Luke. The traditional portrayal is of God as the unjust judge and we say that if that judge could be merciful to the widow how much more can God be merciful. However, this morning, we are going to be talking about putting ourselves into the place of the unjust judge and having God portrayed in the character of the persistent widow. The word widow is often translated as silent one, voiceless one... Can we hear her cries? Do we know how to respond? Don't we often feel that tug, or hear that still small voice telling us there is a need and that what we are doing it not the right thing to be doing. Divinity is inside us, the source of all that is moves in, through and among us always. We know the right things to do if we could just sit still long enough to hear them. But because as a society we are doers, we often don't hear the message until we have moved on to something else and realize what we have or haven't done. So for this morning, let's sit, quietly, think of all that is happening in our world, what can we do to help make things better, there is always something to be done, big or little. Where is our part? Are we unjust judges or judges who act with fairness and justice as our guide.

Here is a piece of my sermon this morning... My little grand-daughter Addison is here for her first visit. At just 4 months old she can’t talk yet but she sure can tell stories. When I hold her, especially at night, in the rocking chair, after bottle and bath, I couldn’t help but marvel at the reality that the Divine lives and breathes in, with and through this beautiful little baby girl. Divinity comes to us in all sorts of guises, and in our little Addison’s gentle breath I can hear the world crying out for justice. Justice for Addison certainly, justice for the world that she will grow up in, and justice for the planet she will inherit.

Have a beautiful day!

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