Sunday, 16 February 2014

Well it's a beautiful balmy Sunday morning in Eston, only -2. Amazing. Just a week ago we were freezing. Spring is on the way, only one more month... This morning in church we are going to be talking a bit about change and judgement. Sounds like strong words but hopefully will be painless but maybe encourage us to think in a different way... I spent yesterday in Battleford at our presbytery meeting and the president of Saskatchewan Conference, Gayle Wensley, was with us. Gayle spoke about the work she has done so far as president and what she hopes to continue to do. She referred to the comprehensive Review that the United Church is in the process of completing. The church board here in Eston took part in this review by video conference. Gayle then told us a story about herself and her husband becoming empty nesters and about their struggle to discover who they were together now that their children have left home. Then she compared the United Church to empty nesters. We all have to discover who we are in the midst of the change that is happening in our world and in our church. Change is all around us and we all need to take the time to discover how we can live into the new world that is opening up around us and how we can take the best from the past with us. New challenges await. New exciting challenges and together as a community of faith here in Eston, we can go forward, discovering together how we will live in this new way. There is no Sunday School this week as it is winter break for our schools. Many folks are gone away on vacation. For those of us who will gather today, we will enjoy family Sunday lunch after our service. Everyone is welcome to join us. Have a great Sunday everyone and a great winter break!

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Good Sunday Morning! It is a beautiful, cold morning on the Prairies. -32 when I left home, that's cold. However, it is peaceful and warm here at the church. As I sit and ready myself for this morning's service the temperature is on my mind. Maybe because I am asking people today, are you a thermometer or a thermostat? Sound Strange, Maybe Not! A thermostat makes the temperature change, a thermometer only measures what is. So, Which are you, one who inspires change as salt changes food and let's your light shine or are you content to just let life pass you by doing nothing, not rocking the boat, in other words living a bland life, hiding your light under a bushel. Lots to ponder on this day! So, as you think and ponder, like I do, curl up this afternoon, with a not cup of tea, a good book and curling on the tube. My idea of a great afternoon!

Sunday, 2 February 2014

It's another Sunday morning and I had a very relaxing three days off. I traveled to Regina to see 'West Side Story' with my friend Kim, it was amazing. Yesterday afternoon I started a baby quilt for my new grandson who is due in April. This week's sermon is about the Beatitudes. What do they mean to you? I have been doing some reading from a book called 'Honor and Shame in the Gospel of Matthew' by Jerome H. Neyrey. This is a fascinating book about the Honor and Shame Society which Jesus would have grown up in and certainly puts a new perspective on how we look at things. Neyrey is talking about using the word Honor instead of Blessed or Happy when talking about the beatitudes and about how Jesus ascribed Honor to those who had no honor. Honor was a very important part of their lives in the Middle East and still is today in a lot of countries. We in the west don't really understand this society. The entire honor and shame idea is not familiar to us. Well hopefully, after today we will know a bit more. We also hear from the prophet Micah the familiar words: What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with our God. What amazing words! So, as I said a couple of weeks ago in a sermon when I quoted, John Wesley, “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can”. Have a wonderful Sunday! Barb