Sunday, 20 April 2014

It's Easter, Christ is Risen Indeed!

Greetings on this Easter morning. The sun rose beautifully at the Museum this morning and those of us brave enough to go to the sunrise service at 5:45 were blessed to see it. So Easter 2014 - what does it mean to us to say that Christ is Risen since it was almost 2000 years ago that first Easter morning when the women went to the tomb and discovered it empty. Well for me, it means that each year on this day I get to reaffirm my decision to live my life as a follower of the teaching of that great Jewish Mystic, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus taught folks that there is more to life than rules and regulations, he taught them that these rules and regulations need to be administered with compassion, justice and love. He taught people that they could have an intimate relationship with their God. We still think about and talk about these things today. This morning, we will hear a story, a beautiful story that begins in a garden. We will sing and pray using words like Christ is Risen and we will share in a meal, a communion together as we remember that the spirit is with us and within us always, and that we are loved for who we are and who we will continue to become. Christ is Risen, Indeed!

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