Sunday, 25 January 2015

Not So Cold Now!

What an unbelievable January. The weather is so mild, it is almost like March. Hopefully this doesn't mean a terrible spring. But what ever happens, we will live with it. Every day we wake up and live in this beautiful place is another day of grace. I am getting so excited my oldest daughter, Amy and my youngest grandson, Xander are arriving on Tuesday. I can't wait to see them and spend some time together. WHen you live so far away from your children and grandchildren you miss out on so much. No matter how many pictures or emails or text messages you exchange, there is still so much you don't enjoy. For instance, someone asked me yesterday if my grandson is crawling, and I have no idea. I guess I will find out on Tuesday. I want to thank everyone who loaned me baby things, it will sure make our visit easier.

Today in church we are reading the story of Jonah telling the people of Ninevah they need to repent and the story of Jesus calling his first disciples, Andrew, Peter, James and John. Do you think you could be a follower of Jesus in today's world leaving everything behind as the disciples did. So much has changed in our world since the time of Jesus. It certainly makes it harder to do like the first followers did. For so many in today's world the following of Jesus is all about personal salvation and I think Jesus would say, my message is to help make the world a better place for everyone, not just for me so get off your duff and get going. Help others. Do something and do it now. So, that's my spiel for the day. I hope everyone has a wonderful sabbath.

The coffee is made, come and joins us for church.

Sunday, 18 January 2015


So each week when I am writing my sermon and preparing the service for Sunday I try and imagine what might inspire people to do or think something different in the coming week. This is very hard to do and I know it doesn't always happen, but I do try.

The mark of an effective church is not how many people come but how many people who live differently as a result of being there. I sure hope there are folks for whom this happens. I think this is the challenge to every worship leader. To try and come up with something that will affect people in such a way as to help them live life in a different way, no matter how small the change is. Sometimes it happens slowly, other times it comes to us in a flash. However it happens, I hope it happens to you at some point in your life whether from the service at St. Andrew's or just from something you read somewhere, I hope your life is changed in such a way that you are able to live in a way that shows transforming love each day. Today we are going to talk about the transforming love and also about thin places. For the disciples, Philip and Nathanael I think Jesus was just such a thin place. May thin places be part of your lives today and every day.

May you have a great day today and may you feel the spirit gently surround you in such a way that you feel light and love surround and hold you each moment.

Sunday, 11 January 2015


It seems like it was just Sunday a couple of days ago. Oh how the time flies. It has been a cold week here in Eston and it continues today. Hopefully it will start to warm up soon.

Yesterday a wonderful woman in our congregation had a 95th birthday celebration. It was wonderful, Congrats Esther Richardson.

In the lectionary today it is Baptism of Jesus Sunday and we are going to have a renewal of baptismal faith in church for those who wish to do this. It means running your hands through the waters of the font and remembering who you have been created to be. That is a good thing to think about this morning. Who have you been created to be?

As I was doing my writing this morning which I do every morning, I came upon a question that asked, What brings you joy? This question really stumped me. I know lots of things make me happy but is that the same as feeling true Joy. I have to think about that for a while. So two questions for you to think about this morning. Perhaps as we find the answer to one of those questions, we will find the other.

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone! Hope to see you in church today, the coffee is on!

Sunday, 4 January 2015


It is very cold in Eston this morning, -31 according to the thermometer on the garage and that is with no wind. Oh My. I heard on the news that the warm spot in Saskatchewan was -25. Imagine. Well here at the church, the coffee is cooking, the heat is on and it is nice and cozy so come and join us for our service at 10:30.

Today we are going to read the story from the writer we call Matthew of the Magi. Have you ever jumped to a conclusion? I can hear each of us saying, all the time unfortunately. We all do it. Well I think that is what the Magi did in our story when we hear of them going to Jerusalem looking for the new king. They assumed he would be in a palace, of course. Where else would a king be born. Well, we are going to unpack that a little this morning and see where we end up.

There is no Sunday school today, but it starts back up next Sunday. Also just to let you know, we are looking for drivers for pick ups on Sunday morning so if you can help there, sign up on the calendar at the back of the church. Also, don't forget the food bank. You can drop off any unopened non perishable items with a good expiry date any time or you can bring them any Sunday and put them in our food bank basket at the back of the church.

So on this cold winter day remember that we are never alone, the spirit is with us and within us always and that we bring with us everywhere we go the possibility of spreading hope, peace, joy and love.
May the light of this epiphany season surround you always,

Thursday, 1 January 2015


Happy New Year to you all. It is an overcast day in Eston but is only about -1 so it is a great day. I read a quote yesterday from Brad Paisley that said, "Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book, Write a good one." So how about we all vow to make this year a great one by starting our stories new, there are 364 days left in this year so remember what Piglet says when he gets up in the morning, "I wonder what thing amazing will happen today" My prayer is that you will all be filled with wonder and amazement throughout the coming year.

Be prepared to be amazed!
