So each week when I am writing my sermon and preparing the service for Sunday I try and imagine what might inspire people to do or think something different in the coming week. This is very hard to do and I know it doesn't always happen, but I do try.
The mark of an effective church is not how many people come but how many people who live differently as a result of being there. I sure hope there are folks for whom this happens. I think this is the challenge to every worship leader. To try and come up with something that will affect people in such a way as to help them live life in a different way, no matter how small the change is. Sometimes it happens slowly, other times it comes to us in a flash. However it happens, I hope it happens to you at some point in your life whether from the service at St. Andrew's or just from something you read somewhere, I hope your life is changed in such a way that you are able to live in a way that shows transforming love each day. Today we are going to talk about the transforming love and also about thin places. For the disciples, Philip and Nathanael I think Jesus was just such a thin place. May thin places be part of your lives today and every day.
May you have a great day today and may you feel the spirit gently surround you in such a way that you feel light and love surround and hold you each moment.
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