Sunday, 1 February 2015


Well this week has been a wonderful one. My daughter, Amy and my grandson, Xander are here visiting. Sadly they leave tomorrow. It has been so wonderful having them here. What fun to have a baby in the house for a visit. I am hopeful my daughter Tracey will make the trek next. It is a long trip from Nova Scotia to Saskatchewan and not particularly flight friendly There are no direct flights from Halifax to Saskatoon or Regina. So Amy and I spent some time visiting, cooking, and quilting. Amy made her first quilt and completed it. It is ready to go home except for the label which we will put on it today. So not only do I get to visit with my oldest daughter and youngest grandson, I also get to spend some time teaching her my favourite pass time, Quilting.

So this week in church we are going to look at the gospel of Mark and talk about what it is that sets people free. Do we have demons in us that need to be liberated. The story in scripture today tells of Jesus setting a man free from an unclean spirit that has been part of his life. The surprise to me is no surprise from the folks in the story. The thing that shocks them is the authority that Jesus seems to have to be able to exorcise an unclean spirit. This was something only the children of Gods or archangels could do. So as well as a story about liberation, it is also a story about honour and authority which was a very important thing in the time of Jesus. As westerners we don't understand that culture, but still today in parts of the middle east, honour and authority are totally important. You must do things correctly so as not to offend another person. Perhaps that is why Jesus was always getting himself into so much conflict, he didn't give a hoot about authority or honour. He went against the societal norms of his time to do what he felt was just and loving. Are we living that way today? Is there more we could be doing? Maybe we should spend some time thinking about what it is we do in our lives to make the lives of others around us better.

So come and join us for coffee before church and our service, enjoy the music, talk and fellowship of our service. All are welcome!

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