Sunday, 15 February 2015

We are the Light!

Today is Family Sunday so we will gather for lunch after our gathering this morning to share some time as a community of faith. Everyone is welcome to come and join us.

We will be reading the story of the Transfiguration today and trying to find the relevance for us in our lives today. This is one of those stories that we are not quite sure what to make of. Did it happen? Does it matter? What is important for us when we read it? Do we every have experiences like this? These are the questions I asked myself this past week as I was trying to figure out what to say this week. What I discovered is that we all have times when we feel a sense of the sacred very close to us and other times where we don't feel anything at all. Either way we have lots to offer one another and ourselves. We all have light and love in us and it is that light and love that helps bring the sense of the sacred closer in our living. My friend Kim reminded me of a Leonard Cohen song called Anthem which I used to think of all the time when I was feeling down but haven't thought of in a long time. However, it has very powerful words for us to learn from. The chorus has these words:

Ring the bells that still can ring,
forget your perfect offering,
there's a crack in everything,
That's how the light gets in.

These words just remind me that I am a vessel of light to everyone I meet, I just need to stop trying to be perfect all the time and allow the light to shine from me in whatever I am doing. It also gives me comfort that when I am having a very hard time, that same light can enter whatever I am doing and remind me that I am part of the light. None of us are perfect but it is in our trying to be all that we can be when our light shines the brightest. So go, shine your light, be the best YOU, you could ever be.

Have an amazing Sabbath!

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