Sunday, 29 March 2015

Oh What a Beatuful Morning!

It is a beautiful day and a sunny one and I feel like singing. Oh What a Beautiful Morning!!! ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Glad you can't hear me, it is pretty bad here in the office. So, the Choir is offering their Cantata today. Everyone is invited to come out and enjoy the music and the words shared. Most of our readings today are taken from the books of readings by Joyce Rupp and Ann Weems. We also have Meghan Austin singing for us today. This week is music festival, I hope we can all get out and support all or part of the weeks festivities. The final concert is on Thursday night at the Full Gospel Church at 7:30.

As we approach Holy week, I have been thinking about my life, my faith journey, what has brought me to the place where I am now. I think we all need to do this sometimes. I have been asking myself a lot of questions lately, like, Why do I believe what I believe? Who taught me the things I knew and the things I now feel I have to unlearn? I just wish we could be free to speak how we feel and how we think without criticism from folks. There are so many people and so many different thoughts that there is no way we can all agree. The fact that we ever agree about anything is a miracle. Each of us has a different understand of who or what god is for us. For some god is a spirit, energy, a feeling of love that we each have, that inner spark of divinity that when joined together become part of the whole. Others believe in a more literal understanding of a God who controls everything. And still others believe something else. There are those who are theistic, non-theistic, post theistic and those who just don't believe anything. Who are we to say who is right or who is wrong? So, let's be patient with one another, listen to one another, and not be judgemental to one another. We are each at a place in our faith journey where we are able to make up our own minds and we should be free to do this without fear of repercussion from one who doesn't think the same. The reason there are so many different christian denominations and even different churches within the denomination is so that all christians can find a place where they fit. It is my hope for you that you have found a place where you fit and if you haven't, that you keep searching to find that place. Together we make up the face of love in our world, let us make a commitment to live that way.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Spring? Maybe, maybe not!

Well since Spring began we have had snow twice. Not great amounts but enough to turn everything white again. As well as freezing rain last night that turned everything under the snow to a sheet of ice. But still there is much to be thankful for.

As I sit in my office this morning, I can hear the choir practicing for their Easter Cantata which they are sharing with us on Palm Sunday during our morning worship. They sound pretty good.

The children are watching a movie this morning in Sunday School and having popcorn which sounds like great fun!

So I was asked a question that I would love people to think about. When do you mean when you say the word God? Who or what is God for you? Huge Question, eh! think about it. It is an important one for us to be able to answer. I think if we asked everyone in Eston, there would be a lot of answers.

So, this morning we will be exploring Psalm 51 and Psalm 119 along with Jeremiah 31. Where do we get our beliefs, how do we develop our relationships with one another and with all that is holy!. Nothing but questions for us this morning, but what a good place to start...

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Another Beautiful Day

It is another beautiful day in Eston and we are looking forward in hope that Spring has indeed sprung. It is another warm day in Eston. Today in church we are going to be looking at our gospel from the writer John. We will be asking ourselves how it is we experience god. Our passage includes the famous line, 'For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that everyone who believes in him shall not perish but may have eternal life'. What does it mean to hear that god gives.... Another question to ponder this day.

It is family Sunday here at St. Andrews and all are welcome to come and join us for our service at 10:30 and stay for lunch after.

As I sit in my office typing this message, I can hear the choir practice for the Easter Cantata which they will offer during our morning service on March 29th. Beautiful music and words to tell us the story of Jesus last days and the wonder of resurrection.

On Tuesday, some of the choir and others will be going to Heritage Manor to sing some Irish songs in celebration of St. Patrick's Day. If you know some Irish songs and you would like, you can come and help us sing. We will share in a time of refreshments and community after.

About the United Church, the Comprehensive Review Task Group has presented it's final proposal for General Council. If you go to the United Church's Website you can find the entire report. It is important that we know what is happening Nationally in our church and it is important that if we have concerns about this report that we direct them to one of our commissioners to General Council. For Prairie Pine Presbytery we have submitted three names to go to General Council. Hopefully they will be selected to go. So if you have time and would like to be part of this decision for so many changes to our United Church structure, please read the report and come talk to me.

Have a good week All!

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

An Early Spring

Well it has been about 4 weeks since I wrote anything on this blog. I have been crazy busy on Sundays which is when I usually write. It feels like Spring is upon us, yesterday it got as high as 14 and it was only the 10th of March. Wouldn't it be nice if the winter was at an end and we could just look forward to nice weather, warming up and enjoying the outside.

It is Wednesday just before Bible study and I am writing. We have had lots go on in our church in the past month and there is a lot more coming. This Thursday the United Church has the responsibility for the Lenten Lunch. These lunches are all hosted by the Full Gospel Church this year but each week a different church does the lunch and the service. Well tomorrow is our day. So I am speaking on the scripture Ephesians 2: 1-10. Not an easy scripture to read or to listen to or even to write about. It is talking about some hard issues. It is talking about being compassionate, loving, forgiving and a justice seeking person even if you don't feel the person you are looking at deserves. This was written at a time for the Jews and the Gentiles, each of whom thought the other was not worth the time of day. So, how do we forgive, be compassionate to, love and and seek justice to someone who we deem as unworthy. And is it our job to chose who is worthy or not. So, the cost of being a disciple according to the writer of Ephesus is a very heavy one. Can we do it?

On Sunday we will have the gospel reading from John 3: 14-21 and a reading from the collection of stories in the book of Numbers 21: 4-9 as well as Psalm 107: 1-3, 17-22. Our Bible Study this morning will be exploring all these scriptures as well as the one from Ephesians and seeing what they mean to us in today's society. Our resource from Seasons of the Spirit that we use for Bible study suggests that we are invited to face our fears and anxieties remembering that we don't have to face them alone. That we are surrounded by all the help we may need in our living and although we may travel through the desolate and deserted places of our life, we can continue to have hope. Where do we get our support, how do we know we are not alone when life seems to be just way too hard for us to handle. These may be a few of the questions that we will ponder in bible study today.

Eston is a very busy little town. We enjoyed the Winter Carnival this past Sunday and all the young people who were part of the skating club put on an Around the World themed program for us. It was great? From the 3 year olds to the teens, they did a great job.

So, have a great week this week, and remember "Don't let the things you want make you forget the things you already have".
