Well since Spring began we have had snow twice. Not great amounts but enough to turn everything white again. As well as freezing rain last night that turned everything under the snow to a sheet of ice. But still there is much to be thankful for.
As I sit in my office this morning, I can hear the choir practicing for their Easter Cantata which they are sharing with us on Palm Sunday during our morning worship. They sound pretty good.
The children are watching a movie this morning in Sunday School and having popcorn which sounds like great fun!
So I was asked a question that I would love people to think about. When do you mean when you say the word God? Who or what is God for you? Huge Question, eh! think about it. It is an important one for us to be able to answer. I think if we asked everyone in Eston, there would be a lot of answers.
So, this morning we will be exploring Psalm 51 and Psalm 119 along with Jeremiah 31. Where do we get our beliefs, how do we develop our relationships with one another and with all that is holy!. Nothing but questions for us this morning, but what a good place to start...
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