Sunday, 29 March 2015

Oh What a Beatuful Morning!

It is a beautiful day and a sunny one and I feel like singing. Oh What a Beautiful Morning!!! ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Glad you can't hear me, it is pretty bad here in the office. So, the Choir is offering their Cantata today. Everyone is invited to come out and enjoy the music and the words shared. Most of our readings today are taken from the books of readings by Joyce Rupp and Ann Weems. We also have Meghan Austin singing for us today. This week is music festival, I hope we can all get out and support all or part of the weeks festivities. The final concert is on Thursday night at the Full Gospel Church at 7:30.

As we approach Holy week, I have been thinking about my life, my faith journey, what has brought me to the place where I am now. I think we all need to do this sometimes. I have been asking myself a lot of questions lately, like, Why do I believe what I believe? Who taught me the things I knew and the things I now feel I have to unlearn? I just wish we could be free to speak how we feel and how we think without criticism from folks. There are so many people and so many different thoughts that there is no way we can all agree. The fact that we ever agree about anything is a miracle. Each of us has a different understand of who or what god is for us. For some god is a spirit, energy, a feeling of love that we each have, that inner spark of divinity that when joined together become part of the whole. Others believe in a more literal understanding of a God who controls everything. And still others believe something else. There are those who are theistic, non-theistic, post theistic and those who just don't believe anything. Who are we to say who is right or who is wrong? So, let's be patient with one another, listen to one another, and not be judgemental to one another. We are each at a place in our faith journey where we are able to make up our own minds and we should be free to do this without fear of repercussion from one who doesn't think the same. The reason there are so many different christian denominations and even different churches within the denomination is so that all christians can find a place where they fit. It is my hope for you that you have found a place where you fit and if you haven't, that you keep searching to find that place. Together we make up the face of love in our world, let us make a commitment to live that way.

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