Sunday, 31 August 2014

Take up your Cross

If any want to be my followers, let them take up their cross and follow me... Hard words to hear this morning in church but hopefully we can make sense of them. Come and join us for our service this morning... Tomorrow is moving day for Jim and I. We will finally be townies... I can't wait. But what a lot of work to pack up and move a house even if we have only lived there for 3 1/2 years. We sure gathered a lot of stuff since moving to Eston. I have a feeling by tomorrow night we will be exhausted. Thanks to all those who are coming to help. Many hands and all that stuff... Hopefully we will be in by early afternoon, I say 1, Jim says 2.... We'll see. So if you are not busy, drop by and we will pass you a box to carry or just stop to say Hello. Take care all and have a great day today and Go Riders!

Sunday, 24 August 2014

The Butterfly Effect

Today in church we are going to be talking about the butterfly effect. I got this from a book by the same title written by Andy Andrews. It is a great little book. The butterfly effect says: It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wings can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world! This means our actions, good and bad can have consequences that can not be measured only by what you see. It reminds me of the movie, Pay It Forward. So, what will your actions do today, will they heal or harm. Pay attention! On a more personal note, we hope to be in our new home, at the manse, before next Sunday! Enjoy your Day!

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Beautiful Sunday Morning!

Well it is a beautiful Sunday morning. I woke up to lots of birds singing in the trees outside the house. I wonder if that will still happen when we get moved to town. Today's sermon is entitled "Mental Illness" This seems so appropriate after the death of Robin Williams this past week and with today's scripture of the Canaanite woman from Matthew 15: 21-28. When I was surfing facebook last night I came up on a wonderful tribute to Robin Williams that said in his voice: Please don’t worry so much, because in the end none of us have very long on this earth. Life is fleeting. And if you are ever distressed cast your eyes to the summer sky when the stars are strung across the velvety night and when a shooting star streaks through the blackness turning night into day, make a wish, think of me, make your life spectacular, I know I did. What great words from a great man! I am sure they are from one of his movies or maybe a few put together. Where ever they are from they are certainly great words. How many of us take the time to look up at the sky, noticing the blackness and seeing the lights flicker on one at a time as the stars pop out. I will always remember this saying as I watch them from now on. If there can be one thing that comes from Robin William's death, it could be the amount of attention that is coming on Mental illness and the awareness it is bringing to people so hopefully people won't have to live in fear of being found out. But can life in life seeking help and caring from their neighbours. So my prayer for today is that we will all take an extra moment to help others in our lives. You never know who might be the next person seeking help from the blackness. Love and peace to all this day!

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Back Home Again

Well Vacations are great, but coming home is always sweet. I had the pleasure of coming back to the wedding of Casey Stevenson and Derek Christiaens at Riverside Park. It was a beautiful day with a beautiful bride. Congratulations to the Christiaens family! I had a wonderful vacation with my family and friends. The trip to Nova Scotia is always the highlight of my summer. My grandchildren are growing so big and it was wonderful to see all of them. We all stay with my sister for a week, it is crowded, full of laughter and fun times. So it's back to church today with the gospel story of Jesus walking on storm waters. Where are the storms in your life? I know I have had a few in mine. Some were very difficult to overcome and others were just a quick blow-up and they were over. Whatever the storms we face, we know that we can overcome them with the help of all those who surround us with love and strength. That love and strength are gifts from God. May today be filled with blessings for you and your families.