Friday, 19 December 2014

Christmas Blessings

It's Friday afternoon, 6 days before Christmas and I want to say thank you too all the people who make our life so wonderful here in Saskatchewan. We moved here 4 years ago and haven't looked back. We love it. Although we miss our families and friends back east and out west, we are happy to say that Eston is a wonderful town full of amazing people. The people who have helped us are too numerous to name but you know who you are. So this year, my prayers is that each one of you may be surrounded with people who care about you, family or otherwise and that you have enough. Enough food to keep away the hunger, enough heat to stay warm, enough love, dreams, hopes and courage to fill your homes and hearts. Enough pain to know you are truly blessed for without our struggles we would never know how truly lucky we are. So know you are a blessing to our family. Take care of each other and remember that the Holy dwells in you and in me, in all of creation and no matter where we go, we truly are not ever alone.

Merry Christmas

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